Pastor Search
San Miguel Basin Christian Fellowship in Redvale, CO is seeking a senior pastor. We are an eclectic assembly of believers from various denominational backgrounds and Christians who have not been affiliated with any. We are truly a community church. Consequently our congregation may have differences of opinion about some variations of church doctrine, but we are united in our belief that we are saved by the free gift of the blood of Jesus Christ through the grace of God Almighty.
We are seeking a pastor dedicated to Jesus for Jesus’ own sake. He will be energetic and have no denominational inclinations, seeking to include all who seek God. He will speak straight-forwardly about God and the Christian belief system without hesitation.
This will be a full-time life position; meaning we are seeking a permanent resident in the pulpit that loves this area and its people like we do. While we prefer a full-time pastor, considering the size of our fellowship, we will consider a person who is willing to fulfill the essential functions of the ministry position part-time in addition to having another job or job duties in the community. Critical functions, responsibilities, and service schedule expectations would have to be negotiated.
Click Here to download the full Pastor Information Packet.
For more information, or to apply, please email
About San Miguel Basin Christian Fellowship (a.k.a. The Redvale Church)
We are located at the corner of Hwy 145 and 35.75 Rd in Redvale, CO. right across the street from the Redvale Post Office. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 68, Redvale, CO 81431
Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 a.m. We have communion and a potluck lunch the first Sunday of the month.
San Miguel Basin Christian Fellowship is a fellowship of the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are an eclectic assembly of believers from various denominational backgrounds and Christians who have not been affiliated with any. Consequently our congregation may have differences of opinion about some variations of church doctrine, but we are united in our belief that we are saved by the free gift of the blood of Jesus Christ through the grace of God Almighty.
We strive to welcome all who come to worship with us regardless of our differences and to love others as we have been loved.
Our History
SMBCF was formed by members of the Redvale Church which began in 1910 as the First Congregational Church started by Reverend James F. Walker. It became a United Church of Christ congregation sometime in the 1960s. Members of the Methodist Church in Norwood joined the congregation upon its demise, as did congregants from churches in the Norwood area. Pastor Clint Perry assumed the leadership role as our pastor around 1983. Pastor Clint and the congregation disassociated with the UCC due to doctrinal differences and the SMBCF was formed as a nondenominational community congregation made up of brothers and sisters in Christ from various denominational backgrounds. We are united in our common core beliefs and choose to focus on the areas we agree on and not let our differences divide us. Pastor Clint passed away the summer of 2017.
Our Pastor – Retired
Pastor Ken Lawrence filled in as our interim pastor from September 2017 through June 2018. On July 1, 2018 Pastor Ken became our new pastor. He has lived in Norwood since October 2006 where he and his wife Christine run Ministry Haven, a retreat center for pastors and missionaries. Pastor Ken was ordained into the ministry on June 4th, 2000. He has previously been pastor of churches in Leona Valley, CA and Norwood, CO. Pastor Ken retired from Redvale Church October 1, 2023 and he and his family have moved to Eckert, CO when they continue to run Ministry Haven, a retreat center for pastors, missionaries and their families.
What We Believe
As a community church made up of brothers and sisters in Christ from diverse Christian backgrounds, we agree on the following:
There is one God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-creators and each possess all of the attributes of God. God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and everything in it.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for all sin, and was raised from the grave after three days to demonstrate His defeat of sin and death. He ascended into heaven and will return again to earth to reign as our powerful Leader and Forgiver.
The Holy Spirit is one with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Those who accept Christ as their Lord and Savior will receive the Holy Spirit to live inside them. The Holy Spirit serves as our comforter, guide, and advocate. The Holy Spirit is given to Christians and provides guidance in living, an understanding of the Bible, and prayerfully intercedes for them.
Our foundation is based firmly upon the Bible as our final authority on Christian beliefs and as a guide to living. The Bible is divinely inspired by God, the original language is without error, given to mankind so that we may know and understand the truth of God and His love.
The Lord’s Supper is to be observed as a memorial and an expression of fellowship with the Lord and with one another. As a memorial, we are reminded of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our sins. As an expression of fellowship, we are reminded of the unity of believers in Christ. The Lord’s Supper is open to all those who belong to the Lord Jesus.
We believe in the power of prayer and practice prayer for one another, for our communities, our families, our country and people around the world.